
Charlotte Brunskill

The Chief Archivist, Records Data Protection Manager has three main areas of responsibility. They are responsible for all aspects of the management and development of both the archive material acquired from external sources (the Collected Archives) and the Paul Mellon Centre’s own records. They are also responsible for developing and implementing a strategy for Data Protection legislation adherence across the institution.

Charlotte has worked as an Archivist & Records Manager in the arts and heritage sector for over twenty years, previously holding positions at the National Gallery and National Portrait Gallery. As well as publishing a number of articles for various professional journals, Charlotte co-authored the text book Records Management for Museums and Galleries: an introduction (Chandos 2012).

Charlotte has taught archive and records management principles and practices to a variety of audiences, both in a freelance capacity and in conjunction with the London Museums Hub. Likewise she has also provided professional advice - both as a freelance consultant and within her role at the Centre – to a wide range of institutions including the Slade School of Art; the British Film Institute; the Wallace Collection; and Venice in Peril.

Charlotte holds an MA in Archive Administration and Records Management from University College London.