British Art Studies Issue 12 now published
- 3 June 2019
The British Art Studies editorial team are delighted to present Issue 12 which includes:
- 1964: A Year of Exhibitions by Stephen Bann
- Whatever Happened to Delia Derbyshire? Delia Derbyshire, Visual Art, and the Myth of her Post-BBC Activity by David Butler
- Delia Derbyshire: The Myths and the Legendary Tapes, a film and interview with Caroline Catz
- Letters from the Home Front: The Alternative War Art of Robert Colquhoun and Robert MacBryde, 1940–1945 by Sophie Hatchwell
- Cumbrian Cosmopolitanisms: Li Yuan-chia and Friends by Hammad Nasar
- Transatlantic Transactions and the Domestic Market: Agnew’s Stock Books in 1894–1895 by Barbara Pezzini and Alan Crookham
- The Kitchen Sink Too, a cover collaboration with Abi Shapiro

Screen Shot 2019-06-03 at 12.43.16, Margaret Mellis, Red Flower (detail), 1958, oil on board, 39.4 × 39.1 cm. Collection of Museums Sheffield (VIS.4951). Digital image courtesy of the estate of Margaret Mellis. Photo courtesy of Museums Sheffied (All rights reserved).
Issue 12 also introduces two new features. Firstly the “Objects in Motion” series of articles examines cross-cultural dialogues between Britain and the United States, and focuses on aspects of visual and material culture produced before 1980. The aim of Objects in Motion is to explore the physical and material circumstances by which art is transmitted, displaced, and recontextualised, as well as the transatlantic processes that create new markets, audiences, and meanings.
The first article published in this series, by Barbara Pezzini and Alan Crookham, uses the case study of a prominent firm of art dealers, Thos. Agnew and Sons (Agnew’s), to present a methodological discussion of how digital tools can be used to investigate circulation and transnational exchange in the historical art market.
This series is made possible through support from the Terra Foundation for American Art.
Secondly, working with Stephen Bann, the journal has developed a new feature called “Animating the Archive,” which allows authors to annotate and contextualise curated selections of archival material. In his feature, 1964: A Year of Exhibitions, Stephen Bann reflects on the diverse sources of intellectual and artistic inspiration – exhibitions, literary journals, essay collections, collaborations, and travels abroad – that shaped his thinking as a young art critic in the early 1960s. Readers may navigate the material chronologically, or explore it in a non-linear fashion.
Proposals for further “Animating the Archive” features are invited.