
Changes to Fellowships and Grants for Autumn 2020

  • 6 July 2020

Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, the Centre has assessed its funding remit for the autumn 2020 round to ensure they are as beneficial as possible in the current circumstances, this includes offering elements similar to the Research Continuity Fellowships and Grants awarded earlier this year.

Curatorial Research Grants
The Curatorial Research Grant, which usually supports the appointment of a new research curator for a specific project, is now also open to those wishing to continue with a research project that may have been delayed or disrupted by effects of the pandemic, or those who wish to start a new research project using current staff rather than appointing a new staff member.

Research Support Grants
The Research Support Grant, usually intended for those seeking support for research trips within the United Kingdom or abroad, is now also open to those seeking support to sustain their research or start a new research project that is non-travel related. In the latter case, application costs can be claimed for rent/living cost support and research materials (e.g. subscriptions to online research resources).

Event Support Grants
Regarding the Event Support Grants, the Centre will be offering support for online virtual events and educational programmes, as well for events in the ‘usual’ format. In autumn 2020 institutions can claim up to £1,500 to support online events, such as online live talks, lectures, conferences or workshops given as webinars; pre-recorded video lectures, seminars or exhibition tours hosted online; or audio and podcast formatted lectures, talks or seminars. Costs can be claimed for equipment hire, speaker fees or honorariums, publicity costs and fees associated with virtual event hosting platforms.

The rest of the funding categories for autumn 2020 remain unchanged.

Applications for the autumn 2020 round of funding will open on Monday 10 August and close on Wednesday 30 September.

If you have any questions regarding these changes then please contact the Grants & Fellowships Manager.