Arts & Crafts Stained Glass by Peter Cormack Now on Art & Architecture ePortal
Steven Brindle Awarded Alice Davis Hitchcock Medallion for Architecture in Britain and Ireland, 1530–1830
Tom Young’s Unmaking the East India Company Wins the 2024 Berger Prize
PMC Publications and Grants Recipients Shortlisted for Awards
Aubrey Williams: Art, Histories, Futures Published Today
The Dominion of Flowers: Botanical Art & Global Plant Relations by Mark Laird Published Today
Publication Day for Esther Chadwick and Jeff Rosen
New Films Released Analysing Hew Locke's The Procession
Multiple Awards for PMC Books from the Historians of British Art Book Prize Awards
Issue 25 of British Art Studies
Architecture in Britain and Ireland 1530–1830 by Steven Brindle Now Published
Apollo Book of the Year Awarded to Tim Clayton
Woman in Art: Helen Rosenau’s ‘Little Book’ of 1944 by Griselda Pollock Now Published
PMC Books Shortlisted for the Alice Davis Hitchcock Medallion
Landscape Design and Revolution in Ireland and the United States, 1688–1815 Now Published
Unmaking the East India Company: British Art and Political Reform in Colonial India, c. 1813-1858 Now Published
Illuminating Natural History: The Art and Science of Mark Catesby by Henrietta McBurney Wins Society for the History of Natural History Book Prize 2022
The Rainbow's Gravity: Colour, Materiality and British Modernity Now Published
Tudor Liveliness: Vivid Art in Post-Reformation England Now Published
New Addition to the Art and Architecture ePortal