PMC Notes 17 Now Published
- 8 January 2021
The latest issue of the Centre's in-house publication PMC Notes is now available to read online or download in an accessible PDF format. Included in this issue are articles written by:
Neil Brownsword, artist, researcher and educator, who gave a lecture as part of the Centre's 'Ceramics in Britain, 1750 to Now' Public Lecture Course.
Roger Stalley, author of Early Irish Sculpture and the Art of the High Crosses.
Sigrid de Jong, PMC Senior Fellow, whose research explores the architectural competition between Paris and London in the eighteenth century.
The curatorial duo MotherTongue who were part of the Centre's 'British Art & Natural Forces' event programme, looking at race, climate and the Arctic as portrayed in John Akomfrah's film The Nine Muses.
Read the full issue online here.