
New Issue of PMC Notes Now Published

  • 26 May 2023

The latest issue of PMC Notes is now published and available to read online here.

It brings together an interview and two short essays that spotlight work by researchers in the PMC community:

  • “Extreme Culture: Rolf and Margaret Gardiner” by Tanya Harrod, independent author and art historian
  • “Interview: Food, the Senses and Art History” – with Sussan Babaie (Professor in the Arts of Iran and Islam at the Courtauld) and Holly Shaffer (Assistant Professor of History of Art and Architecture at Brown University)
  • “A Treatise on the Art of Dance” by Hannah Jones, Archives & Library Assistant (Graduate Trainee) at the PMC

PMC Notes is also available in print and can be picked up at the PMC in Bedford Square during opening hours. You can also sign up to receive future copies for free by post.