
Upcoming events at the Centre

  • 1 May 2019

The programme of events taking place at the Centre during the summer are now listed online and available to book. All of the events are free but pre-booking is essential!

Film still from Life in the Elephant, 2019, written and directed by Lynda Nead and John Wyver. Image courtesy of Illuminations.

Film still from Life in the Elephant, 2019, written and directed by Lynda Nead and John Wyver. Image courtesy of Illuminations.,


3 May, 1–2pm
Research Lunch
“Mannered Beauty and Theatric Grace”: Guido Reni and the Royal Academy
Amy Parrish

8 May, 6-8pm
Research Seminar
"The Sense of Sight which is Very Keen": English History as Shown in 1580s Rome
Carol Richardson

14 May, 6-8pm
Research Seminar
Going with the Grain? Post-War British Film, Photography and Audiovisual Argument
Screening & Discussion with Catherine Grant, Lynda Nead and John Wyver

17 May, 1-2pm
Research Lunch
The Hearth and the Inferno: LCC Fire Safety Displays at the Ideal Home Exhibition 1958-63
Alistair Cartwright

22 May, 6-8pm
Research Seminar
Gillray in Grub Street: Some Episodes from the 1780s
Tim Clayton

22 May, 1:45-7pm
The Ballet of Nations: Dance, Art and History

29 May, 10am-5.30pm
Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

31 May, 1-2pm
Research Lunch
Audio Arts Archive: From Inventory Space to Imagined Space
Lucia Farinati

Bradby Blake, Manuscript Illustrations, date unknown. Image courtesy of the Oak Spring Garden Foundation.

Bradby Blake, Manuscript Illustrations, date unknown. Image courtesy of the Oak Spring Garden Foundation.,