Archive Collections
Extent of the Catalogue
The Archive catalogue (Calm) lists the holdings of the catalogued collections in the Archive. You can expect to find the following on the Archive catalogue:
- Gilbert Benthall Archive
- Brinsley Ford Archive
- Howard Colvin Archive
- W.G. Constable Archive
- Daphne Haldin Archive
- Hunting Art Prizes Archive
- John Ingamells Archive
- Paul Joyce Archive
- Oliver Millar Archive
- Paul Mellon Centre Institutional Archive – please note that not all of these are currently open for consultation
- Paul Oppé Archive
- Brian Sewell Archive
- Dennis Sharp Archive
- John Sunderland Archive
- Ellis Waterhouse Archive
- Christopher Wright Archive
The remainder of the Centre’s archive collections are uncatalogued. These have been boxlisted and are available to download as PDF documents.
How to search
There are two ways of searching the catalogue:
- A simple search using a key word, e.g. ‘Reynolds’ inserted in the ‘Any Text’ box will retrieve all information on anyone with this surname on the catalogue.
- An advanced search using the vertical tiles on the left side of the Archive Catalogue Home page.
Tips for searching the boxlists
Although the boxlists do not contain as much information as the Archive Catalogue entries, it is possible to search the PDF boxlists by typing ‘ctrl’ and ‘F’ and entering a key word.
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
It is possible that you may not be able to find something we have because not all of the collection material is completely catalogued. This is an ongoing process and material is added on a regular basis. In addition, collections are catalogued to file level, therefore, individual items are not searchable through the Archive Catalogue. Please contact collections staff if you can’t find what you are looking for on the Archive Catalogue.
The following material will not appear on the Archive Catalogue and you should search the boxlists (where available), which can be downloaded on the collection description pages, or contact Collections staff for more information:
- Malcolm Baker Archive
- John Edgecumbe Archive
- Judy Egerton Archive
- John Gage Archive
- John Hayes Archive
- Frank Herrmann Archive
- Luke Herrmann Archive
- Hugh McAndrew Archive
- Evelyn Newby Archive
- Benedict Nicolson Archive
- William Packer Archive
- Robert Raines Archive
- Charles Rhyne Archive
- William Roberts Archive
- Frank Simpson Archive
- Alistair Smart Archive
- Gavin Stamp Archive
- Malcolm Stewart Archive
- Roy Strong Archive
- Nigel Surry Archive
- Giles Waterfield Archive
Other ways to access research resources
Archives Hub -
The Archives Hub provides a gateway to many of the UK's richest historical archives. Some of the Centre’s archive holdings are included in this database.
TNA Discovery -
Discovery holds more than 32 million descriptions of records held by The National Archives and more than 2,500 archives across the country. Over 9 million records are available for download. Some of the Centre’s archive holdings are included in this database.
Aim 25 -
AIM25 is a major project to provide electronic access to collection level descriptions of the archives of over one hundred higher education institutions, learned societies, cultural organisations and livery companies within the greater London area. Some of the Centre’s archive holdings are included in this database.
See also
How do I search the catalogue?
Research CollectionsFinding records in the Archive catalogue