Andrew Wyld Research Support Grants are offered in autumn to students working on a topic in the field of British works of art on paper of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries including watercolours, prints and drawings.
The Grant is an award of £2,000 and is given to assist with travel and subsistence in connection with research as outlined above.
The PMC is an educational charity that champions new ways of understanding British art history and culture. Through all areas of our work, including our Grants & Fellowships programme, we promote activities that enhance and expand knowledge of British art and architecture. As an organisation, we pledge ourselves to ensuring that the histories of British art are enriched and made more relevant to a broader range of people in the future. The inclusion of voices, narratives and experiences that have been marginalised or excluded in the past will have a transformational impact on the future of the Centre and upon British art studies. Accordingly, the Paul Mellon Centre particularly welcomes applications from those who are under-represented within the academic field of the humanities in the UK.
Applications are now closed, the next round will be Autumn 2025.
Andrew Wyld was a well-known and much respected London art dealer, specialising in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British watercolours. As a young man his only training was to look at as many works of art as possible. For Andrew it was more important to look at and handle original works, and to question and judge their relative merits, than to study photographs and reproductions in books or online. After his death in 2011, a group of friends and family decided to set up a fund in his memory; its aim is to enable students to do exactly as he did, namely to look at, and judge, works of art on paper for themselves.
The Andrew Wyld Research Support Grant is administered by the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art on behalf of the Andrew Wyld Fund.
The award is to allow students to see and research works on paper at first hand. Grants may be used towards the expenses incurred in visiting prints and drawings collections, galleries, museums, sale rooms and other organisations for the purpose of studying British works of art on paper of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries including watercolours, prints and drawings.
The award can be used for:
- standard rate fares (in full)
- accommodation (up to a maximum of £100 per night)
- daily subsistence (£40 per day)
The Andrew Wyld Research Support Grant is a fixed amount of £2,000 per award and is given to assist with travel and subsistence.
The award will be paid directly to the individual as a lump sum only.
Our funding programme supports research, educational activities and the dissemination of knowledge in the fields of British art and architectural history, from the medieval period to the present day and across the spectrum of relevant geographical and cultural contexts. Our remit is broadly defined and adapts as the interests of those working in our field change. It encompasses art made in Britain or by British artists, but is not solely limited to art made, or artists from, within the geographical boundaries of the British isles. Rather we understand the field of British art studies to encompass a broad range of subjects and topics related to the artistic and cultural histories of Britain, past and present.
We do not offer grants and fellowships in field archaeology, the current practice of architecture or the performing arts. Applications in the fields of photography, performance, film and digital media will need to demonstrate their relevance to British art studies.
Applicants must demonstrate that they are working on a topic in the field of British works of art on paper of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and that they intend to use the grant to see and research works on paper first hand.
Undergraduate students undertaking dissertation research, graduate and doctoral students are eligible to apply in the Andrew Wyld Research Support Grant category, with the stipulation that their research is of a scholarly nature.
Applicants cannot also apply for a Research Support Grant in the same funding round.
For further questions on eligibility please contact the Grants & Fellowships Manager at [email protected].
Andrew Wyld Grants are offered in our autumn round of funding.
Applications are now closed, the next round will be Autumn 2025.
To apply for an Andrew Wyld Research Support Grant you must use our online system at Once registered you will be able to fill out the online application form (an example of which can be downloaded below) and provide the details of one referee. The option to provide the referee details will be available once the application is submitted. We will then contact the nominated referee with details on how they can submit their reference which must be completed through our online system and must be no more than five hundred words.
The referee should have first-hand knowledge of the applicant’s academic career and the subject area for which funding is being sought. The Advisory Council would like to be informed of the originality of the subject matter and the applicant’s suitability to pursue such research.
If you have any access requirements or experience any issues using our online grants system (or accessing and filling out the application forms) then please do contact the Grants and Fellowships Manager who will be able to assist you.
Applications and nominated referee details must be received by 30 September 2025, referees have until 10 October 2025 to submit their references.
We advise applicants to read our FAQ & Guidance webpage before starting their application, our Grant Making Policy and Due Diligence Policy can also be found there.
- Payment of the grant must be claimed within twelve months of it being awarded and the research trip(s) must be taken within eighteen months.
- On completion the recipient must submit a comprehensive written report: this would typically be around 500 words (1 page) but may be longer if required. The report should detail the research activity undertaken during the funded period and the impact of this work on the larger project. The report must be submitted within three months of the completed project, this will then be shared with the Advisory Council and the Board of the Andrew Wyld Fund. If there are any further future outcomes of the project outside of the funded period (eg. publication, exhibition, academic papers) then the recipient should send the details of these to the Grants and Fellowships Manager.
- The support of an Andrew Wyld Research Support Grant should also be acknowledged in any subsequent articles or publications.
- The full terms and conditions of grant awards can be read here.