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Young People's Programmes
The programmeme is open to any undergraduate currently enrolled at Yale College. There are no prerequisites. Students from any major and any year may apply.
Applications generally open in late August for the spring semester and in early January for the summer sessions.
The deadline for applications is generally early October for the spring semester and early March for the summer sessions.
You will be notified of the outcome of your application via the application portal. Once you have confirmed your place on the programme, you will receive materials to confirm your enrolment via email shortly thereafter.
No deposit is required to confirm your place on the programmeme. However, we do ask that you be mindful of when considering confirming your place as the programmeme pays for things such as deposits for housing in advance of the semester.
You are covered for emergency medical, security, and travel assistance services through International SOS at no cost via Yale. You can learn more here.
However, it is advisable that you obtain your own health insurance to cover routine medical care while in the UK, as well as insurance for your personal property, in case you lose your laptop or phone while abroad.
Classes take place at the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, Bedford Square, London.
Courses are taught in English.
Courses vary in subject matter but are in the arts and humanities.
No, you must take all courses on offer (four in the spring and two in the summer).
Yale faculty and leading academics based in the UK.
You will be housed in self-catered flats in Zones 1 and 2 provided by Anglo-Educational Services.