The Diary of Joseph Farington:
Volume 13, January 1813 - June 1814; Volume 14, July 1814 - December 1815

Kathryn Cave, Joseph Farington

Publicaton Date
September 1984
Standard Number
Yale University Press
687 pages, volumes 13 & 14 of 16.

Joseph Farington (1747-1821) was a professional topographical artist who lived most of his life in London.  Through his extensive involvement in the affairs of the Royal Academy, his wide circle of friends, and his membership in several clubs and societies, he touched the life of his times at many points.  His diary, now for the first time being published in full, is an invaluable source for the history of English art and artists.

Volumes thirteen and fourteen of the diaries take Farington past his seventieth birthday but show that his keen interest in public and artistic affairs remained undiminished. He rejoices at the end of the long war with France, deplores the conduct of Lord Byron, approves the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act, and speculates about the probable authorship of the attack on prominent connoisseurs in the catalogue raisonné of the British Institution exhibition. In private life, Farington survives a financial disaster, and campaigns tirelessly to secure the promotion of a nephew to the rank of Post Captain in the Royal Navy.