British Art Studies, Issue 16:
June 2020

Publicaton Date
June 2020
Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art and Yale Center for British Art


“The Bold Adventure of All”: Reconstructing the Place of Portraits in Interregnum England, by Helen Pierce

The Social Economics of Artistic Labour: A Technical Case Study of Henry Monro’s Disgrace of Wolsey (1814), by Anna Cooper and Martin Myrone

Conversation Piece

Luxury and Crisis: Redefining the British Decorative Arts, coordinated by Iris Moon

One Object

New Approaches to St Stephen’s Chapel, Palace of Westminster, by Tim Ayers and John Cooper

Virtual St Stephen's: The Medieval Model and the Art Historian, by Tim Ayres

Mapping the Unknown: Using Incomplete Evidence to Craft Digital Three-Dimensional Models of St Stephen’s, by Anthony Masinton and James Jago

The Wall Paintings at St Stephen’s Chapel, Westminster Palace: Recent Imaging and Scientific Analysis of the Fragments in the British Museum, by Helen Howard, Lloyd de Beer, David Saunders, and Catherine Higgitt