British Art Studies, Issue 23:
August 2022

Publicaton Date
August 2022
Standard Number
Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art and Yale Center for British Art

The British Art Studies editorial team are delighted to present Issue 23:

Cover Collaboration

Jacqueline Bishop, "The Market Woman’s Story"


Elizabeth Fisher, "Beauty and Revolution: Gustav Metzger’s Dialectical Aesthetics"

Luke Gartlan, "Inventing Provinciality: St Andrews and the Global Networks of Early Victorian Photography"

Margaret Iversen, "Death and the Found Object: Virginia Woolf, Lucy Skaer, and Becky Beasley"

Sophie Kelly, "The Black Prince, the Trinity, and the Art of Commemoration"

Wendy McGlashan, "Exit, Pursued by John Kay: The Staging of Graphic Satire in Late Eighteenth-Century Edinburgh"

Margaret J. Schmitz, "Capturing Futurity: The Artistic Exchange of Alvin Langdon Coburn and H. G. Wells"