British Art Studies, Issue 8:
Spring 2018

- Type
- Digital
- Publicaton Date
- June 2018
- Standard Number
- 20585462
- Distributor
- Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art and Yale Center for British Art
British Art Studies is an open access, peer-reviewed digital journal published jointly by the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London, and the Yale Center for British Art, New Haven. The journal provides an innovative space for new research and scholarship of the highest quality on all aspects of British art, architecture, and visual culture in their most diverse and international contexts.
British Art Studies is one of the few completely open access journals in the field of art history, providing a platform for digital publishing as well as a forum for debate about the digital humanities and fair use.
“As if every particle was alive”: The Charged Canvas of Constable’s Hadleigh Castle, by Damian Taylor
Aubrey Williams: Abstraction in Diaspora, by Kobena Mercer
“The Art Game”: Television, Monitor, and British Art at the turn of the 1960s, by Michael Clegg
Snapshots from No Man's Land, by Pippa Oldfield