The Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition:
A Chronicle, 1769–2018

Sarah Victoria Turner, Mark Hallett

Publicaton Date
May 2018
Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
250 pages
500 colour

The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition: A Chronicle, 1769–2018 was produced and published by the Paul Mellon Centre. The RA Chronicle is a digital publication that explores the history of the Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. Essays examining key artists, artworks, and events from each individual year’s Exhibition are accompanied by 250 completely digitised and searchable copies of the accompanying Exhibition catalogues. This repository of original research and primary source material is intended to shine new light on British art, its exhibition histories, and its publics, and to encourage further innovative study.

The RA Chronicle was launched on 30 May 2018 to coincide with the 250th anniversary year of the annual exhibition of contemporary art at the Royal Academy, and with the exhibition The Great Spectacle: 250 Years of the Summer Exhibition, which was co-curated by Mark Hallett and Sarah Victoria Turner.


Winner of the People's Voice Webby Award in the Art Websites category.

Winner of the Gold 2019 Muse Award for Online Experience.

Finalist in the 2019 GLAMi Awards in the Exhibition and Collection Extension: Website category.


About the authors

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    Director at the Paul Mellon Centre

  • Mark Hallett is Märit Rausing Director at the Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London