Early Career Researchers Network

The Early Career Researchers Network (ECRN) is a supportive peer-to-peer network of those hoping to establish careers in the field of British art and architectural history. The network provides opportunities to meet, connect, share and offer supportive criticism of work in progress. The Paul Mellon Centre (PMC) hosts regular afternoon gatherings where members can assemble to present short papers, offer one another feedback, discuss their experiences and share information about career-related topics. Speakers are invited to give career development advice and host workshops on popular topics where there is demand.

We define Early Career Researchers as either post-doctoral scholars who are within ten years of receiving their doctorate, or researchers who have followed non-traditional routes and have gained the equivalent research experience. This definition can be flexible, so please do get in touch if you think our ECRN might be useful for your situation.

To join the network fill out this form with your name, university and a brief description of your research.

If you have any questions about the Early Career Researchers Network please email [email protected]