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Bloomsbury Group Breakfast: Bedsits in Bloomsbury


  • 29 June 2017
  • 10:00 – 11:30 am
  • By Hana Leaper (Fellow, Paul Mellon Centre)

This talk explores work produced by artists who lived, studied, painted, and networked throughout Bloomsbury’s bedsits in the early twentieth century. It will build a picture of the role their communal circumstances played in allowing them to develop their vocations through living and working independently, and how the area shaped their opportunities.

Ticket includes tea, coffee and pasteries.

This event is part of Bedford Square Festival 28 June- 1 July 2017

Bedford Square Festival will open the doors of the cultural and educational organisations located in the Square to the public through an exciting programme of events. The Festival will celebrate the artistic, cultural and literary communities on this historic square. We hope to engage a diverse audience and inspire creative and educational opportunities. To find out about other free talks, workshops and screenings taking place please visit:
