- 6 to 7 December 2002
- 10:00 – 5:00 pm
- V&A Museum
One year after the opening of the Victoria & Albert Museum's British Galleries, the Paul Mellon Centre is co-organising this major international conference. It will explore the significance ofexchanges between Britain and the rest ofthe world in design and luxury goods more fully than has been possible within the confines of the gallery displays and has been planned to complement what is presented there.

V&A Museum, Installation photo from 'British Design 1948–2012: Innovation in the Modern Age', 31 March – 12 August 2012
Papers will examine how the British were perceived and the contingencies that governed trade in designed goods, as well as the ways in which this trade operated and its influence on art and design overseas. Speakers will include Jeremy Black (University of Exeter), David Ormrod (University of Kent), Nigel Ramsay (University College London), Philippa Glanville (Waddesdon Manor), Adam Bowett (Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College), Mike Berlin (Birkbeck College), Timothy Breen (Northwestern University), Paul Langford (Lincoln College,Oxford),RudolfWackernagel,CarolynSargentson (V&A), Christopher Breward (London College of Fashion), Partha Mitter, (University of Sussex) and Anthony Burton (V&A).