- 8 November 2002
- 10:00 – 5:00 pm
- Public Study Room, Paul Mellon Centre
To coincide almost to the day with the bicentenary of Thomas Girtin's death and as a follow-up to Tate Britain's exhibition 'Thomas Girtin: The Art of Watercolour' (4 July - 29t September), the Paul Mellon Centre is organising this after- noon symposium. The colloquium will reflect on issues raised by the exhibition and its catalogue, such as the technical problems associated with displaying works on paper and the new information and ideas which emerge as a result of mounting such a show.

Thomas Girtin, Tynemouth Priory, Northumberland, circa 1793
Digital image courtesy of Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
Papers will address material aspects of British watercolour production and conservation; provide curatorial feedback on aspects of the exhibition and catalogue; and explore wider topographical and ideological questions raised by Girtin's work. Speakers will include Peter Bower, Christine Mackay (National Museums and Galleries of Wales), Jonathan Ashley-Smith (Victoria & Albert Museum), Greg Smith, Sarah Hyde (Tate Britain) and David Hill (University of Leeds).