
The Paul Mellon Lectures 2021: The Museum and Gallery Today

Established in 1994, this lecture series was named in honour of Paul Mellon (Yale College, class of 1929), the philanthropist, collector of British art, and founder of both the Yale Center for British Art (YCBA) in New Haven and the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art (PMC) in London. Co-organised by the two institutions, these biennial lectures have traditionally been given by a specialist in British art, first at the National Gallery, London, and again at the YCBA in New Haven.

2021's series, entitled The Museum and Gallery Today, was exclusively online and featured individual talks from some of the world’s most distinguished museum and gallery directors.

20 October 2021 Gabriele Finaldi (Director of the National Gallery)

The Museum and Gallery Today: Paul Mellon Lectures 2021

Lecture 1: Gabriele Finaldi (Director of the National Gallery)

03 November 2021 Kaywin Feldman (Director of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC)

The Museum and Gallery Today: Paul Mellon Lectures 2021

Lecture 2: Kaywin Feldman (Director of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC)

10 November 2021 Thelma Golden (Director and Chief Curator of the Studio Museum in Harlem)

The Museum and Gallery Today: Paul Mellon Lectures 2021

Lecture 3: Thelma Golden (Director and Chief Curator of the Studio Museum in Harlem)

11 November 2021 Iwona Blazwick (Director of the Whitechapel Gallery)

The Museum and Gallery Today: Paul Mellon Lectures 2021

Lecture 4: Iwona Blazwick (Director of Whitechapel Gallery)

24 November 2021 Maria Balshaw (Director of Tate)

The Museum and Gallery Today: Paul Mellon Lectures 2021

Lecture 5: Maria Balshaw (Director of Tate)

11 February 2022 Eve Tam (Former Director of the Hong Kong Museum of Art)

Coming soon